Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas at Ken & Pam's

December 27 - Our families converged at Ken & Pam's for a day full of celebration. Outside it never got above freezing, but inside it was toasty warm with life happening! Moments before the pressies were opened!
Grandma waiting patiently!
Jasen ready to go!
Grandma happy with her gift!
Ken pleasantly surprised with our gift to him...
An HK gun rug!!!
Pam likewise surprised before she even opened hers!
A cosy blanket! We know because we have one on our bed!!!
Jasen stoked about his scoring shiny new pennies!!!
Jimmy and his kids!
Deron & Camille with a great movie!
Prestin thrilled with his gift from Scott & Jenny - an Xbox 360 game!
Jimmy and his Kung-fu panda t-shirt! By the way, the entire Vande family is really getting into karate!!! Way to go guys!!!Pam with her special cup & saucer from Shellie!
Just having fun!!!
Jimmy, very up close and personal! Happy campers!
Prestin is just so cool!
It was on December 24th of last year that we arrived in Georgia. It has been an amazing and eventful year!!!

Opening pressies

December 26 - What a joy it is to share special times with the family! Though at this moment I am not sure how much Purlie was enjoying it. Nevertheless, she tolerated the funky hat. She remained right in the midst of all the festivities!
Prestin scored more Lord of the Rings figures to paint! Jasen just wouldn't put down this Star Wars drawing book!
Undoubtedly, this was Deron's best Christmas ever!!! Recycling the wrappings!

Foot washing on Christmas?!

December 26 - We had our family Christmas Celebration the day after Christmas. Camille joined us in the early evening. After watching The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, we shared around the table things that we are thankful for this past year. We washed our boys and Camille's feet, speaking encouragement, blessing and then prayed for them. Here is Shellie washing Camille's feet.
Steve washed Deron's feet.
It was a deep and fun time!!! Jasen took it VERY seriously!!!
Steve blessing and praying for Jasen!
Prayer time!
Steve washed Prestin's feet...
And hugs came afterwards!

A white day after Christmas...

December 26 - Waking up to a white day after Christmas was awesome!!! We were actually able to lay in bed and watch it snow before getting up!!! SWEET! Shellie got out and took a walk while it was still snowing quite hard!
Coverage at our place!
Steve after his snow walk through the neighborhood! Jasen out to enjoy the white wonderland!
Shellie poking her head out to check current conditions!
Jasen tried jumping on his trampoline. Thanks to the weight of the snow there wasn't much spring!
Instead he made himself an area to sit and then made snow balls!
Shellie nice and cozy inside!
Deron joined in the fun!
Deron & Jasen bombed the trampoline! No Prestin wasn't in it!
Meanwhile Purlie just had to check it out for herself!
Not really sure whether she liked it!
But proof she was in it!
Back inside wanting to get back outside!
Jasen thoroughly enjoyed his special day in the snow!!!
Shellie enjoyed watching the boys have chilly fun, while she was cozy inside!
White wintry wonderland!