Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More gifts for Deron from the fam

June 22 - With Deron just turing 22 he needed to open more gifts on the 22nd. These are from the fam!

Two visitors

June 21 & 22 - With the first day of summer we caught this culprit "Mr Deer" having lunch just outside our back fence. The word must have gotten out because the next day "Mrs. Deer" came for a sticky beak! After strolling through our azaleas in our front garden she worked her way around the side of our house.

Father's Day with family

June 21 - A late afternoon gathering at Ken & Pam's the day after Father's Day. Shellie kicking back in a screened-in patio, safe from about a zillion flies. Barbecue chicken. Weber does just right!!!
Jenny, Haley and Stef just chill'n on the couch
Grandma The dad's in our family
Cousins... Jasen & Scott
Some more pressies
Stef & Jimmy Scott & Jenny
Brothers... Steve & Ken

Father's Day

June 20 - A sweet Sunday afternoon celebration! Steve & his boys. Honestly, that was the best shot of Deron!
Getting into the gifts.
Carefully reading the cards... out loud!
Trying to avoid more photos...
Steve & Jasen
It takes two to be a father!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

On Deron's Birthday

June 18 - For Deron's birthday we did some exploring. From Plant City Bonsai to Tallulah Gorge and then to Bass Pro. It was one full day!!!Deron & Camille with their favorite tree in the background - a bonsai red Japanese maple!
Jasen learned how to blow bubbles with his gum!
Shellie helping grandma enjoy the bonsai
A birthday present - a bonsai Japanese maple!
At the top of the gorge.
Steve & Shellie at the Gorge Overlook
If you couldn't tell, that is Prestin!
Deron & Camille looking out over the gorge.
Lunch at Tallulah state park.
First line of order... get those drinks open!
Turkey croissant sandwiches... yum!
Now it's walking time!
You got to take note of the "lolly bags" they are carrying! We head off on a hike with chocolate, but no water.
First stop!
Enjoying the views!
Yep, it was beautiful!
Just a cute couple we saw along the way!
Then we took off down the steps... down wasn't too bad, but what goes down must come back up. By the time we were done, we had covered over 1000 steps!!! Shellie & grandma waited at the top outlook! Down, down , down...
Then across a cool suspension bridge.
And more steps down...
At the bottom of the gorge.
There's that cute couple again!Views from the gorge floor!
Prestin taking an opportunity to rest while we worked our way back up to the top.
Jasen needed a break so he simply stopped and sat down on the steps!
Back up on top, but on the other side of the gorge!
Can you see Shellie? There's Shellie on the other side.
The dam
We finally reconnected after an hour or so.
One last look at the gorge!And Steve had to push grandma back up the hill! We made it. Does Steve look sweaty or what?!
Next stop... Bass Pro for a knife!
What an amazing day!

This was an awesome way to spend Deron's 22nd birthday!